36 inch Christmas Wreath

(Size app. 36" x 36")
48" wreath pictured

"Our 36" Traditional Christmas Wreath is made of a full artificial pine wreath base. Lit with indoor / outdoor lights and decorated with a large weather proof bow."

Price: $74.95 per 36 inch Christmas Wreath
Shipping & Handling: $10.00 (insured)
New Jersey residents add 6% Sales Tax

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Please check box if you would like to add an
Easy Wreath Hanger to your order for only $4.95
See Image

(All wreaths are ready to hang as they are.
Easy Wreath Hanger is for added convenience)

Click here "Ordering Information" for a detailed description
of the secure online ordering system that is used by
Artificial Christmas Wreaths.com.

If you would prefer to print out an order form
(for Phone/ Fax/ USMail ordering) click here

If you have any questions regarding ordering please contact us at: